Football Contest 2024 Rules

Football Contest 2024 Rules

Welcome to the Football Contest 2024! These rules outline the structure and guidelines for participation. Please read them carefully to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all contestants. Good luck!

  1. Select five (5) Pro teams each week of the regular season (18 weeks). The results are based on the outcome against the spread.
  2. Only Sunday and Monday games may be used.
  3. All selections will be made on the website at www.FBCONTEST.COM. Your password and team name will be needed. Selections must be made by 5:00 PM Saturday, or random selections will be made by the computer for your team with one loss. The best you can achieve with computer-generated picks is 4-1. After your selections are made, a copy of your picks will be emailed to you if you have entered the correct email address when you signed up, or you can check your picks on the website.
  4. If teams are tied at the end of the regular season, the best record for the last 3 weeks will be used as a tiebreaker. If a tie still exists, the comparison will go back another week until one team has a better record and wins the tie.
  5. The first 5-0 prize is for the first week a 5-0 is achieved, and the last 5-0 is for the last 5-0. In other words, if two contestants had a 5-0 in Week 1, they would split the prize because they both had 5-0's in the first week, regardless of the time of the games they picked.
  6. If a game is canceled, you will be assigned the favorite in the last game of the week on Monday night. Should the Monday night game be canceled, you will be assigned the favorite of the last game scheduled before that game.
  7. Although this is a contest for adults (not necessarily mature adults), the level for not censoring team names will be very loose. Hopefully, no one will cross the common-sense line and have their team name rejected. Please limit team names to 20 characters.
  8. The dates for the 3 King of the Hills are: week #1 (Sept. 8), week #6 (Oct. 13), and week #12 (Nov. 24). Each King of the Hill prize will be 10% of the prize pool. At the time of the next King starting, the previous King prize will be paid. If more than one contestant remains, the prize will be split.
  9. In the event of any unforeseen problems with game cancellations or computer issues, a solution will be provided by the contest moderator, Henry Louie. His decision will be the final word should any anomalies occur.
  10. Prize Distribution

    Prizes will be awarded based on a percentage of the entire entry fee pool, with 100% of the entry fees going back as prizes:

    • a) First Prize: 35%
    • b) Second Prize: 20%
    • c) Third Prize: 5%
    • d) Each King of The Hill: 10% (3 Kings = 30%)
    • e) First and last 5-0: 5% each (10% total)
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